Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Fevah!

Spring officially begins March 20th?? Not for Cache Valley, although Saturday we ALMOST reached 70 degrees! It was fantastic - we even got some yard work done, played some soccer, went to the dump, threw boomerangs. . . BUT . . . today there is a covering of snow everywhere AGAIN! This weather's as predictable as my teenagers' daily moods. You gotta love it (or so we keep telling ourselves). I decided that since the forecast is pessimistic, I will suggest a top ten list of how to beat Spring Fever! Here it goes . . .

#1) Plant an indoor garden and watch it grow! (Caution: It takes a few days)

#2) Build and GO FLY A KITE or tell someone else to go fly a kite! Seriously!

#3) Dress up like the Easter Bunny and pass out candy to all the adult neighbors. Remember to SMILE!

#4) Unroll your toilet paper and write "SMILE, you're on candid camera!" on one piece then re-roll it and wait to see what happens when your kids read that! (This is so fun the first few times but the teens catch on too fast so I had to start writing stuff like: "Clean your room!" "Tell your mother you love her!" "Life is like . . ." - you get the point)

#5) Act out "Spring" with your family. So FUN!

#6) Wear your bermuda shorts and go out into the snow and build a "snow" castle with your sand shovel. Smile as the neighbors give you strange looks! (They already know something's wrong when you showed up as the Easter Bunny earlier). Hint: Make sure you invest in some good cold medicine for later.

#7) Make smoothies and listen to the good 'ol Beach Boys AND when the mood grabs ya - Go toilet surfin' (I did this in college, it really breaks the stress!)

#8) Have a Hawaiian Louau complete with a limbo contest (Everyone over 40 - is excluded for reasons unlisted!)

#9) Practice your bird calls! The winner gets a big bag of sunflower seeds.

#10) Go visit the PUGH Family!! Yes - that's an excellent idea since everyday is Spring there! (Right!) Honestly, we'd love to have ya'll.

OH Yeah -- I KNOW - one more idea is to change your blog background to encourage spring. I will try that soon! THANKS!! Happy Spring Ya'll!!


DeGooyer Family said...

Did you take these photos? I really like it! Hope spring comes soon for you guys - our grass is almost all green, and my flowers are starting to pop up! =)

The DeGooyer Tetrad said...

I love your ideas. Spring is great and we are lucky to not have to deal with the white stuff. :o)


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